Leann Newsom - Author

Leann's Story
LeAnn grew up in the city, graduated college from the University of Alabama, and started her career within corporate America. She believed the corporate world was where she would spend her days. However, God had a different plan. For many years, God graciously allowed her to serve in a ministerial role in the local church and a non-profit, travel the world, and share the gospel story. As a wife and a mom to a blended family of 8: mine, yours, and ours, which includes adoption, she loves to weave family humor through it all.
Rocking along, her family settled in the city. They thought they were headed towards a quiet and restful retirement. But God had different plans!
Instead of retiring to Florida to enjoy the beach, they bought a farm. Yep, you heard it... 100 acres and 130+ animals, ponds, a massive garden, and lots of grass to mow. Good idea? Questionable. God's idea? Absolutely! They couldn't have even dreamed this up on their own. To be sure, farming at 50 is not for the faint at heart!
In 2019, Haven Farms was formed. It is the farm where the inspiration for the Francie on the Farm series was born. Francie is the only Newsom granddaughter so far. She is feisty and full of mischief. She loves everything about the farm. LeAnn and her husband find great joy in seeing the beauty of nature and the great outdoors through her eyes.